Package Manager

Package Manager is the API that actually manages the installation, removal, and updating of applications.

APK installation process

Android app installation process is as follows:

  1. When you install an APK file, Package Manager parses the APK and displays confirmation. When you press the "OK" button, Package Manager calls PackageInstaller for interactively installing the package.

  2. PackageInstaller provides a user interface to manage the package. PackageInstaller calls InstallAppProgress activity to receive instructions from the user.

  3. InstallAppProgress asks Package Manager Service to install the package.

  4. Package Manager Service install the package using the installd daemon, which receives a request via /dev/socket/installd socket and executes a series of steps to install APK with root permission. The whole installation process looks like this:

    • Add a package to the installation queue.

    • Determine the appropriate location of the package installation (/system/app/ for system apps, /data/app/ for third-part apps).

    • Copy the APK to a given directory.

    • Determine the UID of the application.

    • Request the installd daemon process.

    • Create the application directory in /data/data/ and set permissions.

    • Extracting the DEX code to the cache directory /data/dalvik-cache/.

    • Update the packages.list and packages.xml files.

    • Broadcast to the system with Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED or Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_REPLACED

  5. The application was installed successfully.

Data storage

Package Manager stores information about the application in three files located in /data/system:

  • packages.xml contains list of permissions and packages:

  • packages.list is a simple text file containing package name, user id, flag and data directory.

  • packages-stoped.xml contains the package list which has stopped state (stopped state applications cannot receive any broadcast).


The packages.list file contains something like this for all applications installed on the system: 10025 0 /data/data/ platform 1028,3003,2001

The row is divided into 6 columns, which contain information about the application:

  • is the package name of the application, which is the content of the package attribute of the <manifest> element in the AndroidManifest.xml.

  • 10025 is the userId used by the application; if the android:sharedUserId attribute is not specified in AndroidManifext.xml, the system will automatically assign a userId to the application.

  • 0 is whether the application is in debug mode, specified by android:debuggable in AndroidManifext.xml.

  • /data/data/ is the data storage path of the application, which is usually a folder like /data/data/<package_name>.

  • platform is the seinfo information of the application; this should be related to the SEAndroid mechanism (it is not too clear, its value seems to have platform and default).

  • 1028,3003,2001 is the user group to which the application belongs; if the application does not belong to any group, the value here is None.


The packages.xml file has the following structure:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?>
    <version ... />
    <version ... />
        <item name="xxxx" package="xxx" protection="xx" />
        ... ...
    <package xxx>
    <shared-user xxx>
    <keyset-settings version="1">

The main information in the packages.xml file is divided into the following sections:

  • Permission block contains information about all defined permissions in the system.

  • Package block contains details of all installed applications in the system.

  • Shared-user block contains all system-defined shared user information.

  • Keyset-settings block contains the public key information of the installed app signature.

Permission block

    <item name="android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS" package="android" protection="18" />
    <item name="android.permission.REMOTE_AUDIO_PLAYBACK" package="android" protection="2" />

It defines all the declared permission information in the system, and each item block represents a permission:

  • Name indicates the name of the permission.

  • Package indicates the package that declares the permission

  • Protection indicates the level of the permission, such as normal, dangerous, etc.

Package block

The package block contains the details of each application.

<package name="com.tencent.qqmusictv" codePath="/data/app/qqmusictv" nativeLibraryPath="/data/app/qqmusictv/lib" primaryCpuAbi="armeabi" publicFlags="941112933" privateFlags="0" ft="15f00a383c8" it="15f00a383c8" ut="15f00a383c8" version="134" userId="10044">
    <sigs count="1">
        <cert index="6" key="30820247308201b0a003020..." />
        <item name="android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS" granted="true" flags="0" />
    <proper-signing-keyset identifier="7" />

The attributes of the <package> element:

  • name indicates the package name.

  • codePath indicates the location where this APK file is stored.

  • nativeLibraryPath represents the location of the inventory used by the application.

  • primaryCpuAbi indicates which abi architecture the application runs on.

  • publicFlags and privateFlags are generated based on the settings in AndroidManifest.xml, for example: android:multiarch.

  • ft indicates when the APK file was last changed.

  • it indicates when the application was first installed.

  • ut indicates when the application was last updated.

  • version is information about the version number of the application, which is the android:versionCode configured in AndroidManifest.xml.

  • userId is the user id assigned to the application; if there is a shareUserId, the SharedUserId appears here.

The attributes of the <sigs> element:

  • count indicates how many signatures the application has (some applications may be signed by multiple certificates).

The attributes of the <cert> element:

  • index indicates the serial number of the certificate used by the application; when the system finds a new certificate, the number will be incremented by 1.

  • key is the ASCII code value of the certificate content used by the application; if the Package Manager Service, when scanning the APK, detects that a previously known certificate is used, then the key value will be absent; packages with the same index, indicating that they are using the same signature.

The <perms> block is the permissions that the application has. For normal applications, these permissions are written in AndroidManifest.xml. For those applications that use the same userId, the permissions here are the sum of the permissions of all applications that use the same userId. granted indicates whether this permission has been allowed.

The identifier attribute of the <proper-signing-keyset> is the value of the identifier in the keysets. It is used to indicate which public key the application uses.

Shared-user block

<shared-user name="android.uid.system" userId="1000">
    <sigs count="1">
        <cert index="1" />
        <item name="android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS" granted="true" flags="0" />
        <item name="android.permission.ACCESS_CACHE_FILESYSTEM" granted="true" flags="0" />
        ... ...
        <item name="android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES" granted="true" flags="0" />

The attributes of the <shared-user> element:

  • name indicates the name of this shared-user.

  • userId indicates the number of the user in the system.

The meaning of the <sigs> element is the same here and in the package block.

<perms> indicates the permissions this user has. When the APK file is scanned at startup, the permissions of all applications using the same userId are collected and placed here. And finally, these permissions will be sent to those applications that use the same userId. The end result is that the application with the same userId in the system has the same permissions.

Keyset-settings block

<keyset-settings version="1">
        <public-key identifier="1" value="MIIBIjANBgkqhki..." />
        <keyset identifier="1">
            <key-id identifier="1" />
    <lastIssuedKeyId value="9" />
    <lastIssuedKeySetId value="9" />
  • The <keyset-settings> block collects public key information for all application signatures and is associated with the information in the package block.

  • The value of the value attribute of the <public-key> in the <keys> block is the public key extracted from the signature file in the APK package.

  • The <keysets> block contains a lot of keysets. Each keyset has a number with an identifier. The identifier attribute of the <key-id> corresponds to the value of the <public-key> identifier in the <keys> above.

  • lastIssuedKeyId and lastIssuedKeySetId represent the set number to which the most recent public key was taken.


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