

This section contains recommendations for implementing and using functionality related to cryptographic operations.

Main rule of cryptography is do not invent your own cryptography. It can definitely be hacked.

General practices

Algorithm (base)
Algorithm (advanced)

Key exchange

Diffie-Hellman key exchange, 2048 bit

ECDH Curve25519

Message integrity

HMAC-SHA2, 256 bit

HMAC-SHA2, 512 bit

Message hash

SHA2, 256 bit

SHA2, 512 bit

Asymmetric encryption

RSA, 2048 bit, SHA-256

ECC Curve25519 or RSA, 3072 bit, SHA-256

Symmetric encryption

AES, 128 bit, GCM

AES, 256 bit, GCM

Key exchange

Argon2 or PBKDF2

Argon2 or PBKDF2

Last updated