Authentication with Login and Password


This page contains recommendations for the implementation of the authentication scheme where login (username, email, etc.) and password are used as proof of identity.


  • Notify a user via an available communication channel (email, push, SMS, etc.) about successful login under their account from an unknown location, browser, client, etc.

Login management

  • The login must be unique. Make sure values have been truncated before checking.

  • If emails are used, implement the email address validation, see the Authentication: Email Address Confirmation page.

  • If usernames are used, handle usernames as case-insensitive strings.

  • If usernames are used, implement username validation, see the Input Validation page. The validations must include at least the following checks:

    • The username only contains alphanumeric characters and hyphens or underscores.

    • The username can not start with hyphens or underscores.

    • The username length is more than 1.

    • The username length is less than 64.

  • Assign usernames for users instead of using user-defined public data.

  • If emails are used, ask for authentication from a user when changing email.

Password management

  • Do not set default passwords during registration or password reset. Allow a user to set their password.

  • If you are setting default passwords, comply with recommendations from the Authentication: Default Passwords page.

  • Validate passwords against the password policy, see the Authentication: Password Policy page.

  • Implement password comparisons in constant time. In other words, the password comparison should not depend on the provided values.

  • Store passwords in a secure way, see the Authentication: Password Storage page.

  • Implement the password change, see the Authentication: Password Change page.

  • Implement the password reset, see the Authentication: Password Reset page.

  • Implement a mechanism to force a user's password reset. You can reuse standard password reset for implementation of this mechanism.


In case of password compromise, there should be a way to reset passwords for a bunch of users.

  • Terminates all active sessions after a successful password change and reset. Do the termination across an application, federated login (if present), and any relying parties.

  • Notify users if their password has been changed or restored. Add the What should I do if it wasn't me? section with a link to a password reset page and other relative pages (multi-factor authentication set-up, support contacts, etc.).


Last updated